Thursday, May 7, 2020

Book Assignments for May 7th

Step Forward 3: Language for Everyday Life Student Book by Jane ...

Book 3 Students Complete the Following Pages:

  • Book pages 70, 71 72
  • Workbook pages 35 and 36
9780194392273: Step Forward 4: Language for Everyday Life Student ...

Book 4 Students Complete the Following Pages:
  • Book pages 42, 43, 44
  • Workbook pages 21 and 22
Happy Mother's Day on Sunday!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Book Assignments for May 6th

Step Forward 3: Language for Everyday Life Student Book by Jane ...

Book 3 Students Complete the Following Pages:

  • Book pages 68, and 69
  • Workbook page 34
9780194392273: Step Forward 4: Language for Everyday Life Student ...

Book 4 Students Complete the Following Pages:
  • Book pages 39, 40, and 41
  • Workbook page 20

Monday, May 4, 2020

Book Assignments for May 5th

Step Forward 3: Language for Everyday Life Student Book by Jane ...
Book 3 Students Complete the Following Pages:

  • Pages 65 and 66
  • Workbook page 33

9780194392273: Step Forward 4: Language for Everyday Life Student ...
Book 4 Students Complete the Following Pages:
  • Pages 37 and 38
  • Workbook pages 18 and 19

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Book 3 and 4 Assignments for May 4th

Happy May! I hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather!
Step Forward 3: Language for Everyday Life Student Book by Jane ...

Book 3 Students Complete the Following Pages:

Have or Has + Subject + past participle

Have I seen...
Have we seen...
Have you seen...
Have you seen...
Has he seen...
Has she seen...
Have they seen...
Has it seen...
9780194392273: Step Forward 4: Language for Everyday Life Student ...
Book 4 Students Complete the Following Pages:
  • Page 32
  • Page 33
  • Page 34
  • Page 36
  • Workbook pages 16 and 17